Slide 5:
Class: Twist
Alternate names: There are no more sandwiches... And no alternate names.
Description:1) A b-twist that inverts into a sideswipe. 2) An aerial twist switch kick. It ends up looking like an inverted hypertwist without a big dip take off common in the butterfly series of twists. THERE MUST BE A KICK AT THE END.

Prerequisites: Aerial twist and/or hyper twist
Equivalent variations: None
Advanced variations: Hyperswipe with a reverse takeoff or with a swing or kick initiation.

A hyperswipe is...

EASE: Hyperswipe, the most over rated trick ever. So damn easy, I'm surprised everybody isn't already doing it (soon they will). Don't be intimidated by this trick, too many people make it out to be an elite trick; It definitely is NOT!

A hyperswipe is...

FAMILIAR: It is not on a level of it's own, the hyperswipe has family members! It's related to an aerial and an aerial twist, it's related to the hypertwist and b-twist: It's not completely a foreign movement that has no prerequisitory relationships or history. In fact, I got this move on my first attempt. Ever! I had decided to myself:
Umm... I can hypertwist. Why don't I just change the takeoff a little bit and try to make the kick a bit more obvious.
So I did, I tried it, and the hyperswipes in Mablung in my backyard were a result of this simple decision. THIS IS SO EASY!

A hyperswipe is...

YOURS: The hyperswipe is yours if you can throw a decent hypertwist.
What about the aerial twist? Isn't that important?
I don't believe so. In fact, I had not thrown an aerial twist in... an entire year when I did my first hyperswipe. I'm serious. Sure, the aerial twist takes off forward and everything just like the hyperswipe - but the hyperswipe shares more in common with the hypertwist overall. We'll explain, here come the slides!

  • Slide 2:GIANT INDUSTRIAL FAN! Run forward.
  • Slide 3:Leap into the takeoff, get your arms ready to gyrate you through and obliviate the technique.
Tempo! Before reading on I have to mention what this trick is all about. It's about tempo, 100% tempo (timing) whatever! It's a well known fact that watching tricks executed in their full speed repeatedly is more beneficial than watching them in slow motion repeatedly. You must pick out pieces that make the technique in slow mo, but then you must be able to distinguish them in full motion. This move is hugely about timing, tempo, pace, whatever! My best recommendation is to watch this trick in it's full motion and remember the 'pace' or 'feel' that it gives you when executed by someone you are modeling. It seems to be a huge factor in hyperswipe success. I've lost this trick a couple times when I took off seasons (Some call them trick fasts) where CNS recovery was needed. I noticed landing wasn't savage and often times low. To remedy these losses, I would watch good executions I had previously done, and I would try to hold onto the pace in those executions. Next practice, I would gut wrench it out and try to feel my way through it in the quick and powered pace that mimics my good executions. Guess what, it worked. Just had to speed it up and grit it.
  • Slide 4:Back to the tutorial: I will be twisting around my left axis. Stick that punch foot in front and dip down. I'm sick and tired of people not jumping in their tricks. Look, you have to jump, and a jump requires some sort of dig. So set this initial dig as your JUMP ENFORCER!
  • Slide 5:Feet touch down, and will takeoff one after the other. QUICKLY QUICKLY QUICKLY! In this technique the arms must be the aggressors. An aggressive swoop and strike must be initiated with the arms. My left arm will come in tight near the ribs and elbow back, much like an aerial. At the same time, my right arm will strike down hard in front and continue through.
  • Slide 6:You want to throw that lifting leg UP. You don't want to merely pull it behind you or towards your body, you want to initiate it so the lift chains all the way up to the lower back. It's like a giant squeeze. At the same time, as you continue this lift your arms come inside and your head turns around.
  • Slide 7:Continue...
  • Slide 8:Look how nicely this is turning out, but much controversy surrounds what counts as a hyperswipe. Many will pounce that it must be completely vertical the entire time, that the upper body in no way must align on the horizontal plane. I strongly disagree. The move works as a quick stepped hypertwist, with a modified takeoff, that merely rotates a slight angle ending with the upper body upside down in the swipe kicking position. Yes, the body must get upside down at the peak of the skill, and yes it must have kick.
  • Slide 9:This is what makes a hyperswipe a hyperswipe. At the very end you want to turn your shoulders so they face the front. Take a look at how my right shoulder in the previous slide in comparison to this one. Your body is upside down and the result is a violent downward kick at the end.
  • Slide 10:Bring it down.
  • Slide 11:It looks nicer if you can get the kick underneath you while the trailing leg is still high. Think about separating for a split look at the end.
  • Slide 12:Stand back up!
  • Slide 13:BEANS!

Things to try:

If you are an experienced trickster, then the best advice is simple little tips and hints to try. Here are some of those little things to try out!
  • Try it AS a hypertwist. We already touched this topic earlier, we'll touch it again. Try it AS a hypertwist. But, instead of a giant dip - launch forward. Lift it straight back behind you. STRAIGHT BACK BEHIND YOU: Like an aerial, except continue the lift like you do when hypertwisting for the kick. No wushu dip or stall times: Just run forward, dig down like you about to do a gigantic aerial - and lift that first leg straight back behind you. Use your arms like a hypertwist, throw them down in front and back to coil esque position. So, basically run into it like you are going to do a huge aerial, jump and lift with the kicking leg, and hyper twist that upper body through to swiping goodness.
  • PACE CHANGER. We already had a cute little discussion on tempo above, let's talk about how to apply it. Ummm... It's not really something you can describe though. So... just try to do it quickly. This is definitely not a slow trick - the ending is slow / but the first part of it happens and ends in a ridiculously short period of time. If you want to benefit the training of this trick, focus on taking off very quickly.
  • Not just a leg lift... it's more! Okay, it's not a face lift. Don't just think about lifting that leg up. Think about lifting the whole posterior chain a notch further. Feel the lift from the leg, up to the butt, into the lower back. Use the entire chain to throw that lift.
  • Yes, this move can travel forward a good deal. Use it to your advantage. It makes for great offense! I chased a helpless couple down a nature trail once. Naked. Well, then the guy was getting tired because I was in better shape than him (He knew it too, I have muscles in places you would never want to know!) / Anyway, I was catching up and he bent over to catch his breath. Big mistake. I threw a hyperswipe and the swipe took his head clean off. Did I mention I was naked? OH SHIT! I rule.
  • Let's try that again. Yes, this move can travel forward a good deal - but control it! Even though it moves forward, try to take it UP! That's where the best results come from. Doing standing hyperswipes are difficult, because inverting the move enough to make it a hyperswipe from a stand still requires .. a lot of not eating general mills cereal. Ever again in your life. Ever. So the forward momentum is really what helps the inversion - but that's like a freebie. You don't want to consciously jump FORWARD, you want to take it UP.

Specific problem advice:

  • I land low, like... The kick is hard to gut out. The swipe isn't really a swipe as much as a small landingOkay, more like a recap but whatever: Your pace and your jump. Speed up the takeoff and jump more UP. Use the entire posterior chain to lift, lift it UP - not towards your body.
  • I can't invert it? Shit. Hmmmm... Let me think about this in my mind.... Okay I got it! It's the same reason the move is difficult to do standing. Your lift sucks. Bad. The reason the forward momentum helps inversion is because it lets your lift HAPPEN. Think about it. When you run forward and lift, your leg can smoothly go up because your body is still going forward. If you do it standing, your body lacks the luxury of forward momentum, so your lift locks - jams - and you're left without inversion. If you are having trouble inverting while using a forward takeoff, then lift farther up and longer. Just like a hypertwist - you lift UP hard and with continuous effort. Except you lift straight back behind you with the altered setup. Got it?

My experiences:

I got this move my first try. My first few hyperswipes are in the Mablung sampler, I was wearing green pants in my backyard. It really is a lot like a hypertwist. More like an aerial and a hypertwist hybrid. Good luck! Hope it's as easy for you as it is for me.
while riding with any tricks be careful for accessing some help of any one is a must thin.
also be ,carefulaccurate,practisful,speedy etc bla bla bla. 
no video for this stuff.

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