study footbal jay jay okocha skill.

The Nigerian Maradona, J.J Okocha poses a great arsenal of soccer moves. In this guide I will explain to you how to perform his special lifting move aka sombrero move.

study football Spectacular Riquelme Move.

The Riquelme move is pretty impressive and you will not see it often in soccer. I have never seen anyone else performing it (at least not in professional soccer).

study Matthews football move.

The Matthews move is ideal while playing as left or right midfielder.
Matthews, who was one of the greatest wingers ever used this move often to trick his opponents while playing on the flank.

study football pullback move.

This move is usually performed when you have little or no room between you and the opponent. It is often performed by A.C Milan dribbling master Robinho.

study football puskas move.


Puskas performed this move several times during the game and the most amazing thing was that every time he performed it, he managed to trick his defender.

football moves, tips for perfectness.

The Ultimate Guide to Soccer Dribbling Moves"A soccer move is a term that includes feints, footwork, dribbling and turning with a soccer ball"First thing that you will notice when starting to practice on your moves is that some of these moves will be a piece of cake to learn while others will seem to take a lifetime to master.This is pretty common and nothing to be worried about, especially if you have recently started to learn how to play soccer.

study football dribling.

The Truth About Dribbling TricksIn this guide you will not learn fancy dribbling tricks. Instead, you will get valuable tips on how to improve your dribbling skills (which you surely want, otherwise you would not read this article).

study football passing.

Notice that the knees are bent, and the players are well balanced with the head and eyes still when the ball is kicked. Beginners should first work on making a clean, crisp contact with the ball.

football fittness training tips.

Football Fitness Training - Biological BackgroundYour muscles require energy from food to do work, and muscles burn energy in two ways - aerobically and anaerobically. The aerobic pathway is a muscles™s first choice and requires oxygen. The anaerobic pathway is used when the supply of oxygen to the muscle from the blood is too slow to meet the energy needs of the muscle. This situation happens during strenuous exercise, such as sprinting. By contrast, during a steady jog, there is enough energy to use the aerobic pathway, and so the anaerobic pathway is not needed.

study football volley kick.

The body position and movement is particularly important for volleying well. Start square on, that is, facing the oncoming ball. If you are kicking with your right foot, drop your left shoulder into the path of the ball, so that you are pointing at the ball with your shoulder. The hips and upper body turn naturally to follow the shoulder movement. Then turn back again, pivoting on your non-kicking foot, and kick the ball on your return motion finishing with your right shoulder facing forwards. The first part of the motion is like winding up a coil or spring.

study football shoot.

When shooting at goal from a distance or making longer passes to your team mates, you need both power and accuracy. The top of the foot where the laces are on a traditional boot is the best part of the foot to use for this kick. This is the shaded area on the photograph. It gives you a flat surface with which to kick the ball giving you better power and control over the ball. Try not to kick the ball with your toe.

choosing your best football boots.

Check list for buying soccer shoes:

take care of your football boots.

see this to check out! how to take Care of your Soccer Shoes (Football Boots):

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