Slide 3:
Alternate names: 540 wheel, 540 hook, Cheat 720 (wheel, hook, or crescent)

Class: Kick
Description: A five hundred and forty degree spin with an outside kick.

Prerequisites: 360 crescent or hook and a 720 jump spin.

Equivalent variations: Wheel/hook and crescent differ in the angle the kick finishes when coming across. The crescent is a circular arch and the hook or wheel take a horizontal slicing path.

Advanced variations: Executing the trick and landing on the kicking leg, cheat 900 kick, 540 feilong crescent/hook/wheel.

Why cheated?

This kick is similar to a 720 hook or crescent, but the take off is cheated. How is it cheated you ask? Well, take a look at any normal 720 kick and you'll notice that the technique utilizes a double foot takeoff. In the 540 crescent, one leg jumps and the other pumps around. 

It might sound odd that taking off on only one leg would be cheating, but look at the move and maybe it'll be more clear. This move can become ridiculously effortless overtime and is absolutely wonderful when included in kicking combinations. As my turkey friend states, it's a soul trick. The take off for this move is very similar to a 540 take off. I feel that having the 540 before working on this move helped me greatly in getting it down good.

Building up to this move

I never found much trouble building up to this move, I just found it required some small fragmented pieces and a little playing around. In an ideal scenario, I would have the 540 kick, a 360 crescent, and a 720 spin; Moreover, I would put a little practice into the whole 720 with both feet taking off. Play around with it until a kick starts coming out, then make that kick fly out!

  • Slide 1:Negative.
  • Slide 2:So let us begin. Just like the 540 tornado kick we are going to step through keeping our eyes on our target.
  • Slide 3:I like to bring my leg up slightly higher than most but it's a simple matter of preference. Keeping your arms high is important for the spinning momentum required by the technique, I find that extending them early helps me rip through in the trick for a better result.
  • Slide 4:If you view my 540 tutorial and compare it to this one, you'll find the take off is extremely similar. Here we are digging down and will soon perform a slight punch takeoff with our base leg.
  • Slide 5:My right arm in this slide is reaching from the top and will rip down low and back up. *Yawn* I'm tired of referencing the 540 kick takeoff, but one last note:Look at the direction my feet are pointing at takeoff.
  • Slide 6:Okay I have destroyed the undead scourge's alter of darkness, they can no longer revive their hero so I can attack on a full frontal assault without worry of being crushed by their high level death knight. Ummmmm... yeah.. This is self explanatory. Still ripping my arms through and pushing off with the base leg while pulling your first leg around (which is inevitably going to kick). Use your shoulders/arms/and visionary focus in unison to LAUNCH YOU UP!
  • Slide 7:Okay this is the cool part of the move. Swing that shit UP! Arms UP - Knee UP - body straight UP. Throw that shit up there and stall! STALL!
  • Slide 8:The first spin in a 540 crescent really feels like a loop. What you want to do is get that kicking leg going across all the way through, you want to reach over with your shoulders and get the hands UP like a 540 kick, pause, then bring them through into said loop and spin. Why stall? Because you get UP then you immediately throw that shit one more turn. This all happens VERY quickly. The transition between the stall and the continuation of the spin all the way through happens with such speed and subtleness, some might argue it doesn't exist, but it does! Look at the previous slide!
  • Slide 9:This is beginning to look strange isn't it. Why am I still looking at my target? It works the same way the legs work on the double leg. They stall to the point where they MUST catch back up and fling through, in this move - I'm looking towards the front and the body continues getting around, then all of a suddenWHIP the head and shoulders throw a violent turn, you can imagine throwing an elbow strike, but the last turn is just a sharp jab.
  • Slide 10:Pump! Now we are edging that final torque and looping inside.
  • Slide 11:The kick starts here! I swear, the last spin isn't much of a spin, it's just a brutally sharp elbow over.
  • Slide 12:Get your eyes back on the target and bring that kick around.
  • Slide 13:This kick is just about done.
  • Slide 14:*KICK*
  • Slide 15:Follow the kick through and keep your eyes on your target. The feel of your foot going across someone's face isn't near as good as the feeling you get while watching them get kicked by your foot. BLooooOooD!
  • Slide 16:Hands up? Hahaha!
  • Slide 17:That's it - A basic recommendation : This move can be done many different ways. The best way to get this kick coming out is to try it a bazigillionjillion different ways to see which way works best. Experiment with the pump, your torso alignment, hip motion, arm movement, take-off, and .. AND ... EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING YOU WANT! Do this your own way, this is just the way I do it. Go out and discover your very own spinny wiener kick!

When looking at mine:

This is specific to my particular 540 crescent, but when viewing the video - find the stall. Watch how my body gets up, stalls, then just sharply turns around and kicks again. You'll find I face the front throughout most of the move. Here are some other things to analyze:
  • The placement of the feet at takeoff.
  • The pump, watch each leg one at a time and get an idea.
  • The stall, as mentioned above.
  • Watch where the kick comes from.

Keep in mind:

  • Use the powers of your 540 takeoff experience.
  • Keep your body upright or you'll stumble off somewhere else.
  • Pump your legs, when analyzing videos watch each leg individually for further understanding of the pumping motion.
  • Throw that shit up and STALL - then ELBOW OVER and KICK!
  • Keep an eye on ALL the other gold mines to prevent your opponent from mining them. No gold, no army...
  • Kick all the way through, point your kicking foot during the kick.

Specific Problem Advice:

  • Can't spin right? Basically just get comfortable with the takeoff and try to PUMP your legs like all the cool people do.
  • Fall backwards after your kick? Taegashi lost his and had this problem... That's why he's gay. You need to bring your knee across and stall. Experiment with the takeoff.
  • Can't get the kick out? PUMP, and keep trying my friend... You probably aren't setting up right. The whole move is nothing but a takeoff that flings your leg out naturally.

My experiences:

I got this move when I was just screwing around, much like I got most of my other tricks. I remember at one point I couldn't do this move at all. A few months down the road I had started dabbling in it and found it wasn't really that hard at all. After I learned to control my pumping a bit more the next step to improving the kick was getting more height and getting the kick ALL the way across, as mine was getting cut short. So, after more practice, it became easier and better. I contribute the ease of learning this move to my solid 540 experience and the fact syrup is absent from my diet. Both kicks benefit one another so learn them both if you want to be cool.
while riding with any tricks be careful for accessing some help of any one is a must thin.
also be ,carefulaccurate,practisful,speedy etc bla bla bla. 
no video for this stuff.

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