add twitter flying bird to your blog.

In my previous post i have explained about How To Add Google plus One Button On Your Blog. Now a days traffic is more important for an Blog but how to get some traffic from social networking this is much more important. FBT sharing an twitter bird flying code for your blogger blog. Twitter is included 300 million users and generating million tweets per day. The bird flying is follow me link for twitter. The twitter is launched in July 15, 2006. The twitter alexa rank is 10. Lets start learning how to add twitter bird fly in your blog.
  1. First login to your blogger dashboard.
  2. Go to Blogger design-Edit HTML
  3. Download or backup your template.
  4. Search for this by using (Ctrl + F)


Just above it paste the following code.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var twitterAccount = &quot;rollno13&quot;;
var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> &quot;;

Replace rollno13 with your twitter user name.

Save the template.
be vigilant and careful while doin html / javascript duties
coz it may lead to info leaks or slowing down or unworkability.
also check out google blogger terms and conditions.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no video for this stuff.

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