how to add media to your facebook account


i gonna show u guys ,How to add medias to your facebook account


  1. Add a link

    Want to add a link to an article, blog, or other web site? Go to your Facebook profile and click the Link icon under the What's on your mind? prompt in the Publisher box. Copy the link URL and hit Attach. Add a description if you like, then click Share to publish the link to your profile.
    Add a photo
  2. To add a picture, click the Photo icon. Then choose Upload a Photo, Take a Photo, or Create an Album. To upload a photo, click Browse, locate the picture in your computer's files, and click Open. Then hit Share. To take a photo with your webcam, click Allow, if prompted, and use the camera icon to take the picture; then share.
    Create an album
  3. To create an album, first name it, enter the location where the pictures were taken, and set the privacy controls. Click Share and Trust to give Facebook access to your computer. Then pick the pictures that will go into the album. Hit Upload to finish.
    After uploading your pictures, tag people and add captions by clicking on the photo, then clicking Edit This Photo.
  4. Upload a video
  5. To upload a video, hit Browse, find the video you want to post, click Open, and then Share. After it's uploaded, close the pop-up window, or click Close Window and Edit to name your video and adjust the privacy settings.
    Never upload anything you don't have the rights to.
  6. Record video
  7. Add video footage. Click the icon and choose Record a Video or Upload a Video. To record one with your webcam, click Allow; then close the pop-up window. Use the buttons at the bottom of the display to create your clip, and hit "Share." Now you've got a multimedia profile you can be proud of!
    More than 900 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every month.

    You Will Need

    • A computer with internet access
    • A Facebook account
    • A webcam
    • Digital media

no further 
go enjoy
also be careful
perfect giude this is.


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